Trivela Safety are solid, accredited safety administrators. But more than that, their years of workplace experience inform their knowledge of safety protocols and ensure the efficient and timely conclusion of any project they are engaged in. In addition, they have a strong grasp of the management skills needed to ensure that their daily tactics lead projects to successful completion. They understand long term goals while maintaining the day to day contractor discipline required to safely and effectively attain those goals. In my experience, Trivela Safety displays the type of clear critical thinking that pairs well with their solid people skills and experience to bring projects to a safe, on budget, and timely conclusion.

I highly recommend Trivela Safety as someone who will have a quick grasp of your company’s strategic goals and the real-world experience to lead your project to those goals.
— Mike McClurg, Owner, PLM, LLC Project Management Group

Project management is more than just schedules and budgets. Effective project management requires the ability to adapt and to build bridges in order to get everyone working toward the same goal even when priorities shift.

Trivela Safety’s laser focus on worker safety and people CEntered approach combined with our comprehensive systems approach to management causes us to be well suited for construction and project management excellence.

As is true with our all our consulting relationships, Our goal is to work cooperatively with all stakeholders in order to find real workable solutions to the complex problems present on every project. This allows us to deliver on time, on budget, and with safe outcomes.

 Construction & Project Management


Food manufacturing facilities

We have extensive experience managing projects in the food and beverage industry. We specialize in new construction, upgrades, relocation, & decommissioning.

“Trivela Safety brings a wealth of knowledge to every project with a strong foundation in safety. They know how to get the job done in the safest and most efficient way. They streamline the project and avoid accidents. They build strong relationships with contractors and the factory which promotes effective communication. Trivela Safety was a pleasure to work with and I will be looking to use them on future jobs” — Jennifer Tribble, Project Engineering, Nestle Waters North America


Factory & Industry

Our team can provide onsite management as well as design and engineering services.

Searching for the magic bullet is a distracting waste of resources. Adapting is a game of singles, not home runs
— John S. McCallum