We’ve always known about being safe, but didn’t always know how to get there. Trivela Safety promoted a higher level of thinking, our eyes were opened to a wider view. We are in it for the long haul and Specialty Metals makes more money because we are safe.
— Scot Uhrig, Owner, Specialty Metals Company

Based in Colorado's Front Range, we work with clients all over the country. We specialize in assisting companies meet their safety and compliance goals by focusing on safety within the organizational context.

Trivela Safety places a high emphasis on safety systems, education and training, leadership, organizational values, and sustainable work forces.

using a partnership approach, Our goal is to work cooperatively with our clients to find real workable solutions to complex safety and compliance challenges.

 Occupational Safety Consulting


Safety For All Industries

Including large construction projects, manufacturing, and high risk industries like recycling and transportation. We have the experience keep your employees safe while returning value on your investment.

"Trivela Safety is a crucial part of our operation. It really is. We rely on solid safety processes to protect our people from the high risk work we do everyday"  Dave McCartney, General Manager, Specialty Metals Company


Safety In Context

We call it a Systems Approach. It means looking at safety in light of your individual business and operations. We don't push standardized checklists. We customize to your business and to your specific needs.

"Trivela Safety has developed in-depth Safety and Compliance programs for my organization. Their knowledge of the subject is second to none, and they are great to work with."  Scott Currier, Chairman, TCI Foundation


Value Added Safety

We promote safety as a valuable asset—an asset that returns dollars to your bottom line by lowering incident rates, decreasing insurances premiums, increasing productivity, and raising employee morale.

“Our relationship with Trivela Safety has saved us real money—far more than our investment in their services. The reduction in incident rates alone have resulted in higher profitability due to reduced insurance costs from lower premiums and deductible payouts to increases on our dividend returns. But that is not all. Our risk management is better, our employee engagement is better, and our productivity is up.”  Ed Dolan, President, RCI Disposal

Safety as a system is holistic in nature and it continually adapts to support the organizational environment. It looks deeper than risk factors or compliance. It reaches into the very essence of the purpose of an organization’s existence.
— Paul Roberts, MS-SSEM, CSHM, Founder - Trivela Safety